Monthly Archives: April 2023

Help! I Can’t Adult Anymore!

Happy almost end of April! If that’s a thing or can we make it a thing?

Here I go again falling into the slum of being MIA on this blog despite my best efforts. Did you have any new year resolutions? Time to check in, how’s it going? Have you fallen off so many times, but thankfully continue to find the strength to get back up or did you get so rooted in the fall that you can’t get up? One of my goals this year was to do better on this blog, to publish at least one article a month but as you can see, I’m struggling with the come up. March got away from me and April almost did too before I got the courage today – but not without consequences. Other projects were sacrificed in order to keep the goal this month before it dragged on too long.

I hope this year is at least panning out as you envisaged for some of you because my 2023 is not going good so far. Despite my best efforts and diligent plans, things are not just going my way. Adding to that, I don’t recall a time when I’ve been so completely exhausted and overwhelmed while not quite seeing any yields. Like how is it possible to be consistently busy, working, applying, studying but the gains aren’t materializing as hoped.

It’s almost become a millennial joke now that adulting is hard or it is a scam. It has never been more truer for me than this year, and at this point, I’m over it. I’m over being a grown up, I’m over being an adult with all the baggage that comes with it. Our parents are always quick to remind us how we couldn’t wait to grow up; trying on makeup at a tender age, playing house and fantasizing about independence. Funny thing is, that was never me. As if I’d sensed it, I quite took my time to be a child – to enjoy being a freeloader for as long as I could. If anything, I imagined being from a wealthier family so I’d not have to work so hard. As if. 🙂

I’ve been on the cusp of giving up a few times already – for clarity sake, not talking about suicide (although if you are experiencing such strong emotions, please seek help immediately. The suicide prevention hotline line is 988. Get the support you need). Giving up in the sense of being discouraged, not wanting to expend any more resources and energy for the fear of the same results and just being OK with the status-quo. These alternatives weren’t very appealing either, so it is that I wake up every day and repeat the same cycle of effort, trying new things and giving my best in the hope that it pays off.

If you are like me and have been struggling as well with seeing the results of your hard-work, I pray you don’t despair and keep at it. It’s always so easy to give up but when you think about all the work you have put in so far, giving up shouldn’t even be an option because restarting is always the biggest hurdle. Keep at it, chip at that goal one morsel at a time daily and it’s just a matter of time, the results won’t stay away for too long. Deep down, I feel we all know this. But it’s our very essence as humans to want the easy way out and give up. I hope for your sake and that precious goal, dream and hope that you don’t. Like the picture above, some things just take time. So give it time.

As always, thank you so much for reading. Please comment, like and share.

xoxo, Tiramisu!